Just Ordinary Mom's Book Release May 9th 6:30 to 8:00pm No Admission
Join us for a "Message In a Bottle" Book Reading/Signing event with the local authors of Just Ordinary Moms ~ true stories by moms for moms. Motherhood is wonderful, most of the time ~ except when your teenage boy doesn't come home, your daughter is caught with her pants down, a young boy turns blue on the soccer field, and text messages lead to terrible truths. Funny, sad, shocking and heartfelt, these stories will help you understand that you are not alone on the delightful yet treacherous journey called 'motherhood.' Come and meet the authors ~ Robin Cournoyer, Caren Garvan, Lael Jacobs, Jeanne Lebens, Celia Lofink, Bonnie Quinlan, Linda Spevacek and Maureen Wolf. Enjoy a glass of wine and yummy munchies, hear some stories, get a book autographed and have fun with other moms at this event. With every book purchased, you will also receive a "message in a bottle," some of which will contain great give-aways for wine, books, chocolates and more! A portion of all proceeds from book sales goes to benefit charities for women and children. Thursday May 29 6:30-8:00 pm.